Article owner - Tom Gajewski

This article will give you a step-by-step guide on how to troubleshoot missing fb permissions.


You’ve sent a request and the customer says they can’t find the request?  Before we start, please note that Facebook request can be accepted on the app but it’s much easier to use desktop/laptop. This guide has screenshots from the desktop version of Facebook.


Step 1 – In Tool Checks

Check that we have the right page in the tool and that the request has been sent.

Eyeball the name and the page/header/profile image. Check they are what you are expecting?

We are looking for the red text to read Request sent and pending approval.

Note: This sends a request to the HIGHEST AUTHORITY of the page. This might not be the customer! Or it could be multiple people.

Step 2: With the Customer - Profiles

Ask the customer to go to their facebook page and to look at the profiles they have access to:

A screenshot of a social media account

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If the page isn’t under Your profiles & pages then it is likely that the customer doesn’t have access to the profile.

In which case we need to work with the customer to find out who does have access to the page!

Step 3: With the Customer – Professional Dashboard

So, we can find the profile for the page, Ask the customer to go to the Professional Dashboard

A screenshot of a computer

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And once in the professional dashboard to navigate to Page access


In the page access screen we are looking for the customer to have access in the People with Facebook access section.

A screenshot of a computer

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And at the bottom of the page there should be a pending access request from Yell.


A purple background with black text

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If you don’t see this then we need to check if there is a person with higher authority that has access to the page. This could show as Business Account Access

A pink background with black numbers

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If they have this then the administrator of the account in that section will have the highest page authority and the request would have gone to them.

For a full explainer of this screen, see below:

A screenshot of a computer screen

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Step 4: With the Customer – Business Account Access

If there is a business account, we need to check and see if the customer has access to it and can find out who runs it.

Ask the customer to go to Facebook For Business (

If they login and they get a screen like this:

A screenshot of a computer

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Then it’s likely that they don’t have access to a business account. Though always worth double checking!

If they do have access to a business portfolio then it should load up the home screen and you should be able to choose the business account the customer has access to via:

A screenshot of a computer

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Step 5: With the Customer – In The Business Account

Under Users, check the people who have control of the business account. Is it the customer? Do they have full control? If it is the customer then ask them to make  sure they have full access by editing business portfolio permissions.


A screenshot of a computer

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A screenshot of a computer

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If another account comes up with access then you know who the customer needs to go to to find the request!

Additionally, you can go into the Pages section and find out who is assigned to the Facebook Page itself.

A screenshot of a computer

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This is another way you can find out who is assigned to the page and has the authority to access the request. If the customer can, they may be able to assign themselves to the fb page using the Assign people button.


Step 6: Checking Complete

If you’ve gone through each of these steps and in each one, it is the customer profile who has the correct access to the page and you still can’t find the request, then you can start thinking that the request may not have been sent correctly.

In this instance, please try up to 3 times to re-send the request via the tool and if it still isn’t available then please raise to GotU via a ticket.