This article explains everything you need to know about our Landing Page product and the customers that may benefit from these.


The Overview

This article will give you a brief overview of our ad-based Landing Pages, how these will work and the kind of customers that may benefit from these. This article can be referred to when you are setting expectations with customers or want to check what we will fulfil when a customer purchases an Ad-Based Landing Page.

What is a Landing Page

Landing Pages are standalone web pages created specifically for a customer’s Smart Performance campaign. It is where a visitor will land when they click on an ad on the web. 

Unlike web pages, Landing Pages are designed with a single focus or goal (e.g. encouraging a potential customer to call or fill in a form). 

Landing Pages will be built using a Model Site wireframe. 

You can find a link to the Model Site demo tool here.


The Purpose

Websites are a crucial part of our integrated solutions as they allow us to maximise the value that we can deliver. We want as many customers as possible to have a website with us – but what happens if a customer already has a website they are happy with? 

Landing Pages are ideal for customers who have a paid marketing campaign (an Accelerate Solution) but have an existing website that they either can’t or don’t want to switch to us. 

Landing Pages should not be sold to customers who don’t have a website, or customers who have not bought paid marketing (an Accelerate Solution). 

They are also not suitable for customers who want to encourage online bookings or purchases as the sole purpose of a Landing Page is to generate leads.  

By incorporating a Landing Page into a Solution when a customer has an existing website, we can improve and track conversions, and improve quality scores.


The Product Spec 

Landing Pages will align to a customer’s Smart Performance Ads, so following internal guidance, we will build up to 5. Campaigns that require more than 5 Landing Pages will need Product Manager approval. 

Landing Pages will be ad-focused rather than location based, and they will be set to non-index so they cannot complete with a customer’s existing website on the SERP. Customers will be required  set up a sub-domain so the Landing Page can co-exist with the existing website.

No apps will be included, and a customer will not have access to the site. Amends should be made in line with Smart Performance amends.

Please see full product spec below: