Article Owner: Tara-Lee Nixon


What are Solutions?

Each Solution level we’ve designed is aligned to our 3 customer personas and has a unique value uplift, service support level and key features / components included to help our customers grow through their business’s lifecycle based on their needs.  The amount of presence, performance or service help & support they can expect to receive increases with each step of our Solution levels. Enabling us to provide a Solution to businesses whatever their starting budget level or specific requirements, starting from £100 p/m exc VAT.


Why have we moved to Solutions over multi-product selling this year?

We noticed when selling multi-products that the time it took to explain every element and there wasn’t enough differential to what we were doing before to transform the way we do business, or simplify it for us, or our customers, so we moved from bundling to creating pre-defined, fully integrated Solutions which are simpler for everyone aligned to a customers needs. We are also testing improved build processes, intent/enquiry preferences so customer’s campaigns and sites are built to convert and deliver the best possible ROI within our Project X teams initially before scaling up to more teams.


What is included in each Solution level? What are the key differences?

This image below shows the core features included and what the Solution is designed to support the customer with (these will evolve over time as we test and learn). In short the key differences are a basic Presence solution, Presence which includes a Website or Accelerate which covers all aspects and Smart Performance to drive traffic. There is a full product spec online for all Solutions (ensure VPN is on) to list out all the specifics included covering min-max spend thresholds to follow when building your Solution fulfilment order detail out:




Which Care teams look after Solutions currently?

For previously sold Activate customers who were sold by Telesales it's business as usual with our existing Customer Care teams in terms of reactive support when needed.  We've given the customer toolkit an update, so you'll have all the answers at your fingertips when these customers pose their questions. At the higher value side of things sold by our Fieldsales BDMs or ISS team within Project X we're doing things a bit differently for Amplify and Accelerate customers.  These customers are looked after within Paula Anthony’s CS team and are part of Project X (formerly Agency X). This slide below shows how you can check if the account is a Project X owned and what should you do if one of these customers call in…






How do I adjust / upsell an element of the customer’s live Solution?

In short it depends all Solutions sold pre-Dec are multiple product orders so the components included follow normal BAU upsell paths / routes (for example, you could take Extended Distribution and easily upgrade this line to Reputation Mgr at the line level in SAP) but please refer to the retention toolkit for guidance before you begin to make any amendments. In terms of a downgrade or part cancellation you should follow the retention toolkit guidance to support your conversation with the customer i.e. help, educate, add value, use free inventory if needed.

You can technically part cancel a sub-component or downgrade a line as you see fit, if it’s genuinely the right thing to do for that customer. However, it’s important to realise for Solution customers that there must be a min of 2-3 products included to be a Solution and critically is a mandatory component and should not be removed / unpicked. Finally, no monthly discounts can be applied to Solutions themselves post-live, it is only possible for products sold outside of the Solution to be discounted e.g. free inventory offers or retention toolkit rules etc.


For fully integrated Solutions, which were sold after 4th Dec ’23 there are two orders visible within SAP one is the customer contract ie. the monthly price the customer is paying Yell for their Solution and a linked fulfilment order detail for internal use to build the components of the Solution. With the fulfilment detail you can make adjustments without needing to change the customer contract / or re-signing needed within the spend parameters of the tier. However, there is no upsell or downgrade paths built for Solutions or between the tiers yet (due to be coming in Q4). Therefore, do what’s right for the customer to ensure the best CX as the most extreme route is a full canx and rebook.  

 Where can I find out more?